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Creating your Will
Would like to say that the process was very easy to understand and complete. My Will was with me quickly and well-presented. Very satisfied and highly recommended.
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Creating your Will

Appointing guardians in your Will
If you have children under the age of 18 you will probably want to appoint a guardian to look after them in the event that you die before they reach the age of 18.
Appointing executors in your Will
If you are making a will you will probably want to appoint executors to deal with your estate upon your death.
Specifying funeral wishes in your Will
Often people include a paragraph in their will specifying how they would like their funeral to be conducted.
Leaving your body to medical science
If you want to donate your body for anatomical examination and research ideally you should make the arrangements before you die as it is normally necessary for a donor to give their consent.
Leaving your organs in your Will
If you want to donate your organs when you die ideally you should make the arrangements before you die as organs and tissues can only be removed from a deceased person with consent.
What are my options for a burial?
If you make a will you will have the opportunity to specify any funeral wishes you may have in your will.
Leaving a business in your Will
If you are a sole trader and you want to pass on the business to another person in the event that you die it is a good idea to make a will. By making a will you will have the opportunity to ensure that the business passes to those whom you would like to take over the running of the business.
Including future beneficiaries in your Will
By making a will you have the opportunity to ensure that your estate is dealt with and distributed in accordance with your wishes upon your death and to ensure that any children you may have are looked after by those whom you would entrust with their care
Leaving pets in your Will
The law treats pets as property and there is, therefore, no reason why you should not make provision for them in your will. By making provision for your pets in your will you will have the opportunity to ensure that your wishes are carried out in the event of your death and that your pets are properly looked after.
Imposing conditions in your will
When making a will you may wish to impose conditions upon the gifts you make to the beneficiaries to your will. However, some types of conditions imposed may be void, may fail to take effect, or a beneficiary may be excused from complying with the condition. This article looks at some of the issues which can arise when imposing conditions.
Signing your Will
For a will to be valid it must normally be signed by the testator (the person whose will it is). If the will is not signed the will is likely to be invalid. If the will is invalid upon the death of the testator his or her assets may be distributed other than in accordance with his or her wishes.
Storing your will
Having made your will the question arises as to where it should be kept. There may be many years between you making your will and dying and it is important that it can be easily located by your loved ones after your death.

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Single Will or Mirror Wills?

If you are a couple and wish to leave all your assets to each other then you could save money by making  Mirror Wills. You can also use Mirror Wills if you whish to leave your estate to the same beneficiaries. 
If you wish to leave different legacies, appoint different executors or you would like to specify individual funeral wishes then you will need to make two Single Wills.
single will mirror will