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Specifying funeral wishes in your Will
I made a Will with 'MakingaWill' after buying my own house. Life has taught me that you never know what?s going to happen and it was important to me to that everything I would be leaving behind went to the right, special people in my life and that I had my own wishes at my funeral. The Will was very professional and very well laid out. Just what I wanted. The communication with the team was very good and when I had changes I wanted making, it wasn't too much effort and was always done and returned efficiently. I would highly recommend ?MakingaWill? to do your Will!
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Home / Making a Will / Creating your Will / Specifying funeral wishes in your Will

Often people include a paragraph in their will specifying how they would like their funeral to be conducted.

Any funeral wishes specified are not legally binding as ultimately it is for your executors or administrators (where there are no executors) to decide upon how your body is disposed of and your funeral conducted. However, where a person’s wishes have been made clear they will normally be adhered to.

Why should I specify my funeral wishes in my will?

By specifying your wishes in your will you will probably get the sort of funeral that you would wish to have. Also by specifying your wishes it means that your loved ones will not have to face making difficult decisions at a difficult time.

What should I specify?

Most people may have a preference to being buried or cremated and if that is the case you should specify your preference in your will.

If you have very specific and detailed wishes it may be more appropriate to set out those wishes in a separate document, for example in a letter. Matters you may wish to specify may include the following:

Where you would like to be buried;

Where you would like your ashes to be buried or scattered;

Who would you like to attend your funeral;

Whether you would like any readings or music at your funeral;

How much money you would like to be spent on your funeral;

Organ donation;

Where you would like your body to remain between your death and the funeral;

Whether you would like to be embalmed;

Who you would like to be responsible for arranging your funeral;

Your choice of undertaker;

What sort of coffin you would like;

Whether you would like flowers or donations to be made at your funeral;

Whether you would like your funeral to be treated as a celebration of your life or a more sombre affair to mark your passing.

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Single Will or Mirror Wills?

If you are a couple and wish to leave all your assets to each other then you could save money by making  Mirror Wills. You can also use Mirror Wills if you whish to leave your estate to the same beneficiaries. 
If you wish to leave different legacies, appoint different executors or you would like to specify individual funeral wishes then you will need to make two Single Wills.
single will mirror will